
Post-conference workshop:

Measuring issues in higher education - From survey design to result dissemination


Quebec Inter-university Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS)
December 10-11, 2009


How many students are enrolled? Who is underrepresented in higher education? What are the students’ pathways? These are only a few examples of questions of interest in higher education. Naturally, answering these questions calls for survey or administrative data.


The goal of this post-conference workshop was to bring together data producers and users of different data sources. Speakers were invited to present the origins of the data, methodological details as well as the uses that have been made of the survey, lessons learned, and methodological and political challenges faced.


Schedule (PDF File)


To view the presentations, click here.

(you must logon to have access to the videos. Login link is located at the top right corner of the page. Use ciqss as username and password)

December 7th to 9th, 2009

Complexe des sciences, UQAM
200 Sherbrooke Street West

Programme: PDF File

Poster: PDF File


Jointly organized by:

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